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Pains Today, Gains Tomorrow ----- A&F Sports Meeting Interviews
From: Office of Students'Affairs           By:      Date: 2012-04-17

As the A&F Spring Sports Meeting is round the corner, the players of our college devote all their spare time to the training, and the student volunteers are engaged as well. We interviewed some of them and made their voiced heard.

                                                                                        Determined Player
Short-putter Player Li Changsheng said, “The one-month field sports training is coming to an end. One-hour exercise helps me build sound body for the coming fierce competition. In the course of training, I also made friends with many other players and assistant students. As an experienced player, I keep it clear in mind that the competition is more than fierce, which in turn stimulates me to work harder. In addition, I value the team spirit, so more often than not; I share my experience with the freshman fellow players. We are all looking forward to the sports meeting. Hopeful and confident, we expect satisfactory performance and great success.”

                                                                                       Devoted Volunteers
The student volunteer Wang Rui shared his feelings with us, “one-month training slid by us soon, in which the ability of player were improved and mutual friendship were enhanced. Not only does the punctuality of all players, but also the persistence of them move us greatly. In spite of the heavy study pressure, the players, in particular several female freshmen stick to the training. 

Another student volunteer Yin Junzhi was more determined, “the training for university sports meeting has been going on for over half a month. I view the cyclic training an opportunity to motivate the students and initiate their passion in sports. So, the competition and glory come second as I see it. Track events include dash race and middle-distance race. As to the training theory, with the physical quality and event requirements, we tailor the training methods for different players. For instance, the sprint and jumping events both require quickness of the athletes, so the training focuses on the enhancement of strength. In addition to the skips and hops, high-step stretch and leapfrog, the turning-back running is also applied to the training for improving the quickness and instant response of athletes. The distance runners are encouraged to keep practicing running everyday. College physical instructor Ms. Wang came to visit the players and gave some instructive suggestions on training methods. We all appreciate her help very much.” The confidence and determination of Yin Junzhi was so infectious to us.

                                                                                          Orderly Phalanx
A member of phalanx Liu Xinliang felt proud of their team, “ We are all willing to contribute to the success of our college and the sports meeting.” When asked about the feeling of exhausting training, he said, “We feel proud of our college. We strive for the success and glory. Exhausting the training is, it promotes our friendship and enhance the team spirit.”

The interview was finished as the sun set gracefully. However, the training was still on. The determined players and devoted phalanx members lighten the playground. The respect to them, all of a sudden, well up in our hearts. With hope and full confidence, we wait for the coming A&F sports meeting. Hereby, we look forward to the splendid performance and great success of all players.

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