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BEIJING – A veil of secrecy and intense – some would say comically extreme – protective measures defined the lead-up to today's 60th anniversary celebrations in China.
北京 - 今天披上了一层神秘而又激情的面纱 - 可能有人会说这种描述太滑稽了 - 多项安保措施确保了今天中国建国60周年庆典的举行。

For the 12 million inhabitants of the capital, the massive security and traffic restrictions caused widespread inconveniences. But many brushed off the temporary annoyances.

The centerpiece of the parade was a display of China's military arsenal, although it seemed almost absurd that such a heavy police presence was required to guard the new, highly advanced war-fighting might of China's armed forces.

However, many military observers who were leaning in a little closer to their TVs in expectation of seeing as many as 52 new Chinese weapons systems were disappointed to find none of the new arsenal on display.

Yet, from the media position in front of the Forbidden City, the procession of modern weaponry achieved its intended effect. Throughout the day there were subdued awes and nods of respect from the assembled media and distinguished guests as we witnessed a mass display, which could only be described as awe-inspiring.
然而,从紫禁城前边的媒体区望去,那些在这次阅兵上所展示的中国现代武器已经达到了预期效果。各大媒体,以及做为此次阅兵的见证者-各位嘉宾无不对这次庆典点 头称赞,整个阅兵式令在场的所有人都产生了由衷的敬畏。

The roar of massive diesel engines from scores of brand new tanks, missile batteries and amphibious fighting vehicles provided a unique accompaniment to the soundtrack of the day, a selection of martial and nationalist musical scores that blasted throughout Tiananmen Square and the areas around it.

Equally impressive was the cadence of thousands of boots marching in step as perfectly dressed ranks of soldiers from every military branch goose-stepped past dignitaries and then cheered in perfect unison, "HELLO SENIOR LEADER!" to President Hu Jintao and later, "SERVE THE PEOPLE!" in response to Hu’s salutations.
另所有人普遍印象深刻的就是每一个受阅方队里数千名 军靴步调节奏一致,着装整洁的士兵。 当国家领导人走过每一个军队方队时,这些士兵在同一时间向国家主席胡惊涛欢呼"首长好~!",之后向胡惊涛回答:"为人民服务~!"。

Meantime, an armada of more than 150 helo and fixed-wing aircraft soared overhead. The first wave of fighter jets trailing colored streaks of smoke through the city were met with wild applause and cheers from the distinguished guests near us.

In order to beat the precise 36 percent chance of low clouds and less than 20 percent chance of rainfall – odds announced by Xinhua News Agency earlier this week – an Air Force task force consisting of 18 transport planes was formed to "seed" the dense clouds that covered the capital Wednesday with rain inducing silver iodide and dry ice. And down on the streets of the capital, an additional 260 soldiers in 48 fog-clearing vehicles were blowing the remnants of the man- made storm from the city. 早先新华社在这个星期曾报道---10.1号国庆当天可能会有36%几率出现阴天和低20%几率出现雨天天气。一个集合了18架运输机的空军试飞大队负责消除礼拜3首都上空的厚云层,使用碘化银和干冰使云层提前降雨。而在陆地上,另外有48台消雾车和260名战士负责在首都各条街道上将残余的人造风暴吹离这个城市。

The resulting miracle, clear sunny skies Thursday morning, was perhaps the greatest celebration of founding father, Mao Zedong, who once famously proclaimed "Man must conquer nature!"

Today, China most certainly lived up to Mao’s bold words.
On a day where 10,000 police officers and a reported 800,000 "volunteers" were also present to provide security, no incidents were reported.

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