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关于举办“Rumen acidosis and milk quality: new in sights in its etiology and prevention”学术报告的通知

作者:      来源:      发布日期:2011-05-10  浏览次数:
   报告题目:Rumen acidosis and milk quality: new in sights in its etiology and prevention

  报 告 人:Kees Plaizier 教授 (University of Manitoba, Canada)

  报告时间:2011年5月10日 晚19:30


  1. Impact of sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) on health and production of dairy cows
  2. Environment Sustainability of Dairy Farms, 3 Day Cow Management
  3. Diagnosis of subacute ruminal acidosis
  4. Evaluation of ruminant feeds