| On Mar 10 2011, Inter-disciplinary Model Teaching Affairs Council was held in multimedia classroom of our college, presided by Li Haihua, Deputy Director of A &F Academic Division. Deans in charge of teaching affairs from College of Agronomy, College of Plant Protection, College of Horticulture, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Animal Science, College of Life Science, College of Enology and College of Innovative Experiment, accompanied by the secretaries of teaching affairs from colleges above, along with the leaders from A&F Academic Division and administrative staff of our college attended the meeting. Executive Vice President, Professor Zhao Zhong was present at the meeting.
First, Vice Dean of our college, Wang Jun introduced the curriculum of innovative experimental class. Following this was the detailed interpretation College Dean Wang Guodong and Party Secretary Chen Yuchun made respectively, focusing on the guiding ideology in our college teaching reform. In the first two-year curriculum offered for students of innovative experimental classes, enhancing the base of knowledge and improving the innovative and practice ability were oriented to enable the students to finish their primary professional study with minimum hours and credits.
Problems on curriculum and credit linking-up were put into agenda. As colleges who received the students from the innovative experimental classes voiced their ideas on this issue that, common curriculum can hardly agree with that of first two-year curriculum in the same major of innovative experimental classes in terms of hours and credits. Therefore,common graduation requiremtns of the same major may impose the second time learning for the students to catch up with the credit requirement, which both get the students stuck for the excessive pressure and colleges concerned for teaching management trouble.
Executive Vice President of A&F show his approval of the the first two-year curriculum and education philosophy of innovative experimental classes. He pointed out that, the students should be offered well designed curriculum which requires the linking-up of the first two-year teaching in basic discipline and the second two-year professional knowledge teaching. Training plan for students in common major can not function well for the student in innovative experimental classes in their first two-year curriculum, which could leave nothing but excessive learning pressure to the students. In addition, Mr. Zhao emphasized that the course arrangement of students selected to the cultivation program for inter-disciplinary talents need further discussion and research academic division and colleges concerned responsible for.
As to the teaching plan of the second two-year for the students distributed to common disciplinary classes, the agreements was made after full discussion. All credits students earned in College of Innovative Experimental before they being selected to common discipline classes should be accepted valid. In the second two-year study, the students were required to take rest course in accordance with the teaching plan of discipline concerned. Meanwhile, the number of courses students need to take out of credit requirements should be limited considering the cultivation capacity of the discipline and the learning capability of students.
 Executive Vice President of A&F was delivering an important speech
 At the meeting |