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Senior Administrators of A&F Student Affairs Division Visited CIE
From: Student Affairs Office           By:      Date: 2014-10-15

On the afternoon of 14th October, Director Of A&F Student Affairs Division Mr. Wang Wenbo, Deputy Director Mr. Wang Shengyi, Mz. Su Rong and Mr. Ma Ning visited CIE to inspect the undergraduate education management and Youren College. CIE Deputy Party Secretary Mr. Qu Yunfeng and all CIE student counselors attended the inspection meeting at Lizhi Workshop of Youren College. 

First, Mr. Qu introduced the general situation of CIE student affairs, including the development of student affairs work group and the deployment of students’ academic mentors. Then he reported the inspectors the reform in students’ comprehensive assessment model and the exploring in integrated cooperation mechanism of Youren College. Following this, the college counselors made presentations on the establishment of self-discipline committee, the distinctive initiation of freshmen, and the students’ Party affairs.

Mr. Wang Wenbo spoke highly of the college reform pioneered by CIE, and of its innovation and exploration in student management model. He pointed out that, the college system as an effective student management model had long been promoted and gradually refined in the West, China Taiwan and Hongkong. Yet, it is still a newly-sprung thing to A&F. How to succeed and to what extent the exploration of Youren College could reach will profoundly influence on the A&F teaching reform. The Student Affairs Division will be supportive as always, while the cooperation between CIE, Food Science and Engineering College, and Enology College should be further promoted for the development of the reform. Then, Mr. Wang Wenbo and Mr. Qu Yunfeng exchanged their ideas of college cooperation mechanism and the reform in students’ comprehensive assessment. Other three deputy Directors gave some instructive suggestions about the distribution of scholarship, the continuity of high-quality source of students, and the overall development of student competence.

At the meeting
                                                                                                                      (Translated by: Xianhui Yan)

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