| To further the optimization of college system and the innovation of talents cultivation model of CIE requires learning from other colleges of the same pattern. This practice will be helpful to explore new development approach for modern universities and to promote the advance of Youren College. Therefore, from 23rd-25th October, delegate of A&F Youren College , lead by Executive Dean professor Chen Yuchun, took study tours to Tang Wenzhi College of Soochow University and Meng Xiancheng College of East China Normal University.
Established in 2011, Tang Wenzhi College of Soochow University aimed at setting up a innovative research-orientated teaching model and exploring the dynamic integration of the continuity from undergraduate study to graduate study, to cultivate research-oriented and competitive talents of arts. The visitor team attended the experience-sharing meeting organized by Tang Wenzhi College, at which the Executive Dean Ji Jin and the college counselor Hu Yuehua were present. First, Mr. Ji introduced background information of Tang Wenzhi information, including the structure, the selective cultivation of students, student affairs management and rewards system. On the other hand, Party Secretary of CIE Mr. Ou Wenjun, CIE Associate Dean Mr. Wang Jun introduced the CIE Youren College and top-notch talents cultivation model. The communication was furthered when it came to the offer of distinctive courses, mentor system, scholarship and the recommendation of exam-free for graduate study. The delegate then visited College-only classrooms, students’ dormitory and students’ clubs of Tang Wenzhi College.
Meng Xiancheng College of East China Normal University was officially launched in 2013. It has developed to a college of 2244 free-charge normal school students of 12 majors. As the experimental field and pioneer of reform in undergraduate education, it has made great effort in exploring the cultivation model of innovative talents and student affairs management. First, the Party Secretary and Associate Dean of Meng Chengxian College Wu Wei showed around the studnet clubs ---Mengkongjian and students’ community, introducing the college structure, ten major orientations, design philosophy of Mengkongjian, the management of student clubs and the organization of students’ favorite activities. Then, the CIE delegates were invited to the meeting organized by the host, at which Dean of Meng Xiancheng College Wang Jianpan, Party Secretary Wu Wei, Associate Dean Su Zhenxing, Dean assistant Yang Yanhong were present and warmly welcome the visitors. The two parties focus their discussion on the functional orientation, the construction of organizations, the courses of general education, the college culture, the management of student affairs and the analysis and solution to school precaution.
This study tour will help CIE better understand the model that more suitable for Youren College,including the management of students affairs and assessment system. Youren College will apply the experience selectively to make itself a college with features of agriculture and forestry university.
At the meeting of Meng Xiancheng College
At the meeting of Tang Wenzhi College
Visiting the student community of Meng Xiancheng College
Visiting the clubs of Meng Xiancheng College
Well-decorated rooms of Meng Xiancheng College (Translated by: Xianhui Yan)