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Well Begun, Half Done--- A Good Beginning of New Term Teaching
From: CIE Teaching Affairs Office           By:      Date: 2015-03-02

Well begun, half done! For the smooth going of new term teaching, CIE faculties pitched in the preparation much earlier than the required time. Faculties of CIE teaching affairs office, one week before the university opening day, had been engaged in checking the course timetables and the number of textbooks, reminding the teachers and the students, and scheduling the make-up examinations.  

It is a demanding job of checking course timetables, since the teachers are all invited from other colleges. Therefore, it requires more negotiation with teachers and the A&F Teaching Affairs Office for the accurate timetable before the class. Even the most challenging part of this job, the timetable of foreign teachers had been perfectly handled, which attributed to the efforts of all CIE devoted faculties who had done much translation and interpretation work in the process. On the other hand, faculties of Student Affairs Office carefully checked the register of all classes and the teachers, reminding them of the time and place of classes. The first day of new term witnessed the cheerful and energetic teachers and students.

Long before the opening day of university, CIE had held staff meeting for all new term affairs. All senior staff of college observed the first-day classes and got the first-hand information of teaching preparation, class-teaching and students’ feedback. The students who took make-up examinations also had received short-term study assistance.

                                                                                                                                              (Translated by: Xianhui Yan)

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