| Supported by the academic mentors of receiving colleges, the second lab tour for research training was conducted by our college. With excitement and curiosity, college freshman of experimental class and base class went into the research lab of their mentors, to experience the beauty of scientific research and academy.
On Nov 11th, 30 freshmen from experimental class and base class of our college spared their weekend, leaded by the senior students Liu Hao and Geng Dali, and came to the lab of Professor Ma Fengwang of Horticulture College. Liu Hao introduced to the freshmen the research orientation of the lab--- Stress Physiology and Resistance Improvement of Fruit Tree and explained the usage and operation of general instruments and equipments in the lab. To illustrate his words, he showed the freshmen how to use the micro-scale sampling gun.Then, Geng Dali introduced the experiment principal and operation of DNA gel electrophoresis, and shared his feeling in scientific research. His experience was instructive for the freshmen in their study and future disciplinary option. Last, the two senior students gave their answered to the questions of discipline option and mentor choosing, which broaden the horizon of freshmen and benefited them for their future scientific research.
It is said that, the senior students will lead our freshmen to visit the labs of Professor Zhao Shanting of Veterinary College, Professor Kang Zhensheng of Plant Protection College, Professor Chen Huai of Forestry College and Professor Zhang Meng of Agronomy College, and help them to experience the real research.
 Explaining the usage and operation of general instruments and equipments in the lab
 Explaining DNA gel electrophoresis