| On the morning of August 30th, the Awarding Ceremony for the First Certificate of Wageningen Honor Students Program was held in the multimedia classroom of our college. Mr. Rien Bor from International Cooperation Division of Wageningen University, Deputy Director of A &F Academic Affairs Division Li Haihua, Deputy Director of A&F International Cooperation and Exchange Division Yu Ying, Party Secretary of our College Professor Chen Yuchun and College Associate Dean Wang Jun, along with the firs group college students of this program were present the ceremony which was hosted by Deputy Director of A&F International Cooperation and Exchange Division Yu Ying.
First, Miss Li Haihua set a high value on the success of the first Wageningen Honor Students Program. Then, Mr. Rien Bor congratulated to the students and showed his high appreciation for their excellent academic performance. Student representative Gu Chenyan made her speech, in which she shared her gains and feelings, and on behalf of all other students of this program, extended great thanks to the program sponsors and staff. At last, College Party Secretary Professor Chen Yuchun delivered closing speech, who concluded the advantages of this program, including the priority and opportunity for the access to advanced foreign teaching sources, promotion of international communication and cooperation and the motivation and inspiration for the teaching reform of our university. He also expressed his congratulation to Chen Wei, Yin Yaobang and Xing Tao who won the full scholarship of this program, giving his best wished to their future life at Wageningen University.
At the following awarding ceremony, Mr. Rien Bor awarded the certificate and shook hands with each student. His sincerity and friendliness greatly moved all students present. After the ceremony, all students and teachers of this program took group photos for eternal memory of the best time, which symbolized the satisfactory outcome of the first Wageningen Honor Students Program.
 Deputy Director of A&F International Cooperation and Exchange Division Yu Ying Addressing the Ceremony
 Deputy Director of A &F Academic Affairs Division Li Haihua Delivering Speech
 Mr. Rien Bor from International Cooperation Division of Wageningen University
 Student Representative Gu Chenyan
 College Party Secretary Chen Yuchun Delivering Speech
 Awarding Ceremony
 Mr. Rien Bor Awarding Certificate to Honor Student
 Group Photo