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Second Phase of Honors Students Program between Wageningen University and A& ...
From: Office of Teaching Affairs           By:      Date: 2011-08-25

On August 9th, 2011, the well-designed Honors Students Program between Wageningen University and A&F initiated its second phase. In subsequent three weeks, Doctor Nico Heerink from Wageningen University will offer the course of Rural Household Economics for Economic Management majors while Doctor Egbert Kanis will give lectures on Animal Breeding and Genetics for Animal Science majors, Associate Professor Loes Maas and Doctor Egbert Kanis will co-conduct classes on Research Methodology and Scientific Writing for both the two majors. Professor Lei Chuzhao and Associate Professor Zheng Huiling from Animal Science College of A&F will assist all classes offered at this phase. Full-prepared faculty, absorbed students and group discussion teaching all contribute to stimulating students' initiation and livening class atmosphere.

As documented educational memorandum between Wageningen University and A&F, the program was set about in September, 2010, the first students in which have finished required courses. For convenience of teaching management and learning outcomes, the program of this year commences one month in advance on condition of renewed contact. Several courses conducted intensively in summer vocation will see to the teaching quality and outcomes as expected. Teaching contents and requirements are kept to the teaching demands of W-University while the teaching materials are all original edition textbooks  W-University provides. The students of this program are able to receive Bachelor Study training of high-quality, proceed to Master Degree at W-University with the halved tuition scholarship under circumstances that they finish all required preparatory courses for Master Degree of W-University with decent grades.

This program significantly speaks to the innovation outcomes of A&F in terms of internationalizing undergraduate education and taking advantages of advanced teaching resources. Our university are well-equipped in teaching management and foreign communication. Students with honor scores and CET-6 certificate take priority to participate in the program. In addition, assistant teachers are invited to learn the novel teaching contents and methods, some of whom will go to W-university for short-term training when the courses are to be finished.

                                                  Doctor Egbert Kanis giving lecture on Animal Breeding and Genetics

                                               Professor Nico Heerink giving lecture on Rural Household Economics

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