Mr. Zhen Lifei Gave a Lecture on Infinite Series
On the morning of May 9, Mr. Zheng Lifei from College of Sciences lectured on infinite series in Advanced Mathematics class of students from Bioscience class 101 &102, College of Innovation and Experiment. All students experienced the wander in infinite world by the graphic illustration and humorous diction of Mr. Zheng.
Mr. Zheng started the lecture with simple examples, introducing the infinite series referring to the addition formula of infinite items. The simple but informative explanation simplified the complicated and professional concept of easy-to-understood. He illustrated the development course of infinite series with funny storiettes, which conveyed the long history of infinite series and the application in daily life. In addition, Mr. Zheng was responsive to the problems concerning constant term of series and convergence of series.
Mr. Zheng presided over the class of complicated mathematics concept with his humorous diction and simple instances, while students were absorbed in his teaching and responsive to thinking. The atmosphere was greatly livened up by the interaction between the teacher and the students. The open teaching method is effective to achieve the teaching objectives, for it serves to motivates the students’ passion in learning, enhance their required professional knowledge, broaden their horizon and improve their cognition level.
