On December 3rd, CIE successfully held a legal knowledge quiz titling “What Do You Know about Constitution” to promote the constitutional spirit.
On the site, participant randomly chose question card to answer. Each card had five questions about contents and events concerning the constitution, for example, the constitution’s general content, constitution revision date, revision count, constitution’s status in China, etc. Staff delivered presents according to the number of correct answers, which greatly inspired students’ enthusiasm.
In the lively atmosphere, students conscientiously answer the questions. Many students also consulted the staff for the wrong answers. Students from other colleges were also attracted to the event. As the first participant of the quiz, Bu Xiangyu from Grade 2017 said, “This event deepened my understanding about the spirit of constitution, and supplemented my legal knowledge.”
This event not only promoted the spirit of the rule of law and socialist value outlook, but also made the students realize that constitution awareness is important to their personality development.

Quiz scene

Staff group photo
(Image: Li Xiyang & Guo Rui; Translated by: Yan Xianhui)